Phase 1 Golf Restart Season 2020

All dates in this memo are subject to the government announcement on Thursday 28th May and KA Leisure staffing schedule, and may be subject to change.

Following discussions with KA Leisure over the past two weeks it has been stated that Auchenharvie Golf Complex will be ready and open for play on Fri 5th June.

This date takes into account both the risk and the health and safety assessments that need to be carried out and signed off, getting shop and greenkeeping staff back from furlough, and carrying out the appropriate health and safety training with all staff.

Season Tickets:
The cost of the season ticket has yet to be determined, there has been a suggestion that it will be pro rata.

So if we have missed two months of the season you will only need to pay 10 out of the 12 months remaining. This has yet to be passed by the board at KA Leisure on the exact figure but seems like the fairest way to go.

At this point in time we know a discount of some description will be applied to the normal standard cost of the KA Leisure Golf Season ticket in all categories, and we will let all members know what this discount will be in due course.

Paying for your season tickets:
KA Leisure would like to limit the amount of cash that’s handled in the Pro Shop, therefore members will be encouraged to purchase their season tickets over the phone using their credit/debit card. You can do this from Tuesday 2nd of June by calling the Pro Shop on: 01294 603 103

You can also use your credit/debit card in the Pro Shop to make your payment from Friday 5th June.

It would be preferable and appreciated if the majority of people could use this over the phone method, or using credit/debit card in the Pro Shop, in order to control cross contamination or transference.

In the event that you cannot pay your season ticket over the phone KA Leisure have stated that there will be no discrimination against people who would prefer to pay cash, and that the facility to pay this way will be available at the Pro Shop from Friday 5th June

If you purchase your season ticket via the North Ayrshire Council Payroll initiative you can still do this by contacting Sharon Law via email on who will be more than happy to arrange this for you.

Playing Golf:
For Phase 1 of the return there will be 2 balls every 14 minutes. At the moment this is non-negotiable, but this will be reviewed regularly to determine if and when an increase to a 3 ball is safe to do so.

It has also been stated that only 9 hole rounds are available during Phase 1.

We will be providing KA Leisure with regular feedback on every aspect of Phase 1 to allow modifications to Phase 1 where possible.

Booking A Tee Time:
All members and season ticket holders will need to book their tee times over the phone in advance by calling the Pro Shop on: 01294 603 103

You can book up to 7 days in advance, therefore you could book a tee time every day for a maximum of up to 7 days in advance should you wish to do so. This would actually be more helpful to the staff if you are planning on playing a few 9 hole rounds over the course of 7 days.

It has also been advised that you turn up no more than 15 minutes from your booked/allotted Tee Time to ensure that large gatherings are avoided.

Only one person at a time will be permitted to enter the Pro Shop. A queuing system will be in place and you will need adhere to social distancing rules whilst queuing to get your ticket.

Tee Times:
Mon-Friday (8am – 8pm) – you will only be permitted to play 9 hole rounds during Phase 1
Saturday (8am – 4.30pm) – you will only be permitted to play 9 hole rounds during Phase 1

Club Members:
The white tees will be laid out and can be used on a Saturday by Auchenharvie 88’s and on a Sunday by Moorpark Golf Club.

Member Competitions:
As it stands at the moment there will be no official competition golf. The Pro Shop will not be distributing score cards in Phase 1.

As a club we have been permitted to find a reasonable way around this if we want to offer our members some form of competition. It has been discussed by the committee that a summer stableford league would be the best format. This league will be run the same way as the winter league, with the final format to be communicated before the first round gets underway.

Club Member Fees:
The club treasurer Stevie Hay, has done the numbers and as a result membership fees for season 2020 will be:

£20 for a full member
£10 for an associate member

The nominal fee of £20 ensures that as a club we can come out of this pandemic in a sound financial position for season 2021.

We appreciate that there will most likely be no form of competition golf this season, therefore players handicaps will most probably not be affected as a result. However, we will wait for any information from Scottish Golf detailing how players handicaps will work moving forward and communicate any info our members.

Tee times for members on a Saturday can be booked by calling the Pro Shop on : 01294 603 103
You can book your first Saturday tee time from Tuesday 2nd of June

On Course Management:
Flagsticks will be left in at all times. KA Leisure will be installing a gadget that looks like a hook near the middle of the flagstick that you pop up with your putter and your ball comes out the hole to avoid players touching the flagstick or putting their hands inside the cup.

No bunker rakes will be on the course during Phase 1. We will not be permitted to use the ones brought in for the clubs in Phase 1 either.

If you have your own bunker rake you are more than welcome to use it as long as no one else touches it.

Players are also reminded that the removal of marker posts (Red, Yellow Stakes) is strictly prohibited during your round. If your swing is impeded by a red or yellow post you may take a free drop.

Driving Range:
The driving range will remain closed in Phase 1 of the golf restart

Public Health:
There will be well documented literature on notice boards and wherever else is applicable to educate members on the social distancing rules that must be observed.

Initially there will be KA Staff guiding people in and out of the shop, adhering to the 2-metre rule for queuing to enter the Pro Shop.

Sanitizing stations will be available in the Pro Shop at all times.

Locker Rooms and Toilets:
The locker room will remain closed during Phase 1, so any member who keeps their gear in there will need to collect it and keep it until we have been informed that it’s safe to return their equipment to the locker room. Please be aware that this may be the case for the remainder of the season. Any member wishing to collect their equipment may do so by contacting The Pro Shop and arranging a suitable time to collect their equipment.

This also goes for any clubs left in the Bunkers Clubhouse storage room (if Matt wants to leave his clubs there, that’s fair enough as he owns it. But no one else is permitted to store their clubs in that area)

The locker room toilet will also remain closed in Phase 1 – again this is to ensure control over where people go and what they are doing when they arrive at the course.

We would also encourage all members to keep a bottle of hand sanitizer in their golf bags, just in case a force of habit or a moment of forgetfulness occurs.

Members are also encouraged to bring their own snacks and drinks for their round as there will be no facility during Phase 1 to purchase provisions, accessories, equipment or clothing from the Pro Shop.

Remember, this is Phase 1 and it will be reviewed every 3 weeks to provide feedback on what measures can be relaxed moving forward. Lets be happy that we can legally go play a few holes of golf and enjoy the game we all love.